Recently I posted a template for helping to work out and document how you use your blog vs Facebook, Twitter, email, etc.
This is mainly for bloggers who look after blogs-sites for companies, community groups, etc - basically any organisation. It came about because I started using Blogger to do the website for a choir that I sing in, and I needed to think about all the issues shown.
If you are having difficulty figuring out how you should use these tools together in your own setting, it might be heplful to look at some of the example social media policies listed on the Social Media Governance website. Some of these are from big companies and non-profits, but some are from far small outfits which might be like yours.
Remember, sometimes it doesn't matter what rules you follow - so long as everyone understands who does what, and acts consistently. Most problems happen when people have different expectations about who should do what, when and how.
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